Resiliency of Identifiers
Broken links are a common frustration when navigating the web. If you’ve ever clicked on a reference only to land on a “404 Not Found” page, you know how difficult it can be to track down missing content. In research, broken links pose a serious challenge to reproducibility—if critical datasets, software, or methodologies referenced in a study disappear, how can others verify or build upon the original work?
Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) help solve this problem by creating stable, globally unique references to digital and physical objects. Unlike regular URLs, PIDs are designed to persist beyond the lifespan of URL links to a webpage or database, ensuring long-term access to research outputs.
Persistent Identifiers should be used to uniquely (globally) identify a resource, they should persist, and it is very useful if you can resolve them so when you put in the identifier (somewhere) you get taken to the thing it references. Perhaps the most successful PID in research is the DOI – the Digital Object Identifier which is used to provide persistent links to published digital objects such as papers and datasets. Other PIDs include ORCiDs, RORs and many others existing or being proposed.
We can break identifiers into two basic groups – identifiers created by assignment, and identifiers that are derived. Once we have the identifier we have options on how they can be resolved.
Identifiers by assignment
Most research identifiers in use are assigned by the governing body. An identifier is minted (created) for the object they are identifying and is added to a metadata record containing additional information describing the identified object. For example, researchers can be identified with an ORCiD identifier which are randomly generated 16 digit numbers. Metadata associated with the ORCiD value includes the name of the individual it references as well as information such as their affiliations and publications.
We expect that the governance body in charge of any identifier ensures that they are globally unique and that they can maintain these identifiers and associated metadata for years to come. If an adversary (or someone by mistake) altered the metadata of an identifier they could change the meaning of the identifier by changing what resource it references. My DOI associated with my significant research publication could be changed to referencing a picture of a chihuahua.

Other identifiers such as DOIs, PURLs, ARKs and RORs are also generated by assignment and connected to the content they are identifying. The important detail about identifiers by assignment is that if you find something (person, or organism or anything else) you cannot determine which identifier it has been assigned unless you can match it to the metadata of an existing identifier. These assigned identifiers aren’t resilient, they depend on the maintenance of the identifier documentation. If the organization(s) operating these identifiers goes away, so does the identifier. All research that used these identifiers for identifying specific objects has the research equivalent of the web’s broken link.
We also have organizations that create and assign identifiers for physical objects. For example, the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) mints identifiers, maintains metadata and stores the canonical, physical cell lines and microorganism cultures. If the samples are lost or if ATCC can no longer maintain the metadata of the identifiers then the identifiers lose their connection. Yes, there will be E. coli DH5α cells everywhere around the world, but cell lines drift, and microorganisms growing in labs mutate which was the challenge the ATCC was created to address.
To help record which identifier has been assigned to a digital object you could include the identifier inside the object, and indeed this is done for convenience. Published journal articles will often include the DOI in the footer of the document, but this is not authoritative. Anyway could publish a document and add a fake DOI, it is only the metadata as maintained by the DOI organization that can be considered authentic and authoritative.
Identifiers by derivation
Derived identifiers are those where the content of the identifier is derived from the object itself. In chemistry for example, the IUPAC naming convention provides several naming conventions to systematically identify chemical compounds. While (6E,13E)-18-bromo-12-butyl-11-chloro-4,8-diethyl-5-hydroxy-15-methoxytricosa-6,13-dien-19-yne-3,9-dione does not roll off the tongue, anyone given the chemical structure would derive the same identifier. Digital objects can use an analogous method to calculate identifiers. There exist hashing functions which can reproducibly generate the same identifier (digest) for a given digital input. The md5 checksums sometimes associated with data for download is an example of a digest produced from a hashing function.
An IUPAC name is bi-directional, if you are given the structure you can determine the identifier and vice-versa. A digest is a one-way function – from an identifier you can’t go back and calculate the original content. This one-way feature makes digests useful for identifying sensitive objects such as personal health datasets.
With derived identifiers you have globally unique and secure identifiers which persist indefinitely but this still depends on the authority and authenticity of the method for deriving the identifiers. IUPAC naming rules are authoritative when you can verify the rules to follow come directly from IUPAC (e.g. someone didn’t add their own rules to the set and claim they are IUPAC rules). Hashing functions are also calculated according to a specific function which are typically published widely in the scientific literature, by standards bodies, in public code repositories and in function libraries. An important point about derived identifiers is that you can always verify for yourself by comparing the claimed identifier against the derived value. You can never verify an assigned identifier. The authoritative table maintained by the identifiers governance body is the only source of truth.
The Semantic Engine generates schemas where each component of the schema are given derived identifiers. These identifiers are inserted directly into the content of the schema (as self-addressing identifiers) where they can be verified. The schema is thus a self-addressing document (SAD) which contains the SAID.
Resolving identifiers
Once you have the identifier, how do you go from identifier to object? How do you resolve the identifier? At a basic level, many of these identifiers require some kind of look-up table. In this table will be the identifier and the corresponding link that points to the object the identifier is referencing. There may be additional metadata in this table (like DOI records which also contain catalogue information about the digital object being referenced), but ultimately there is a look-up table where you can go from identifier to the object. Maintaining the look-up table, and maintaining trust in the look-up table is a key function of any governance body maintaining an identifier.
For traditional digital identifiers, the content of the identifier look-up table is either curated and controlled by the governance body (or bodies) of the identifier (e.g. DOI, PURL, ARK), or the content may be contributed by the community or individual (ORCiD, ROR). But in all cases we must depend on the governance body of the identifier to maintain their look-up tables. If something happens and the look-up table is deleted or lost we couldn’t recreate it easily (imagine going through all the journal articles to find the printed DOI to insert back into the look-up table). If an adversary (or someone by mistake) altered the look-up table of an identifier they could change the meaning of the identifier by changing what resource it points to. The only way to correct this or identify it is to depend on the systems the identifier governance body has in place to find mistakes, undo changes and reset the identifier.
Having trust in a governance authority to maintain the integrity of the look-up table is efficient but requires complete trust in the governance authority. It is also brittle in that if the organization cannot maintain the look-up table the identifiers lose resolution. The original idea of blockchain was to address the challenge of trust and resilience in data management. The goal was to maintain data (the look-up table) in a way that all parties could access and verify its contents, with a transparent record of who made changes and when. Instead of relying on a central server controlled by a governance body (which had complete and total responsibility over the content of the look-up table), blockchain distributes copies of the look-up table to all members. It operates under predefined rules for making changes, coupled with mechanisms that make it extremely difficult to retroactively alter the record.
Over time, various blockchain models have emerged, ranging from fully public systems, such as Bitcoin’s energy-intensive Proof of Work approach, to more efficient Proof of Stake systems, as well as private and hybrid public-private blockchains designed for specific use cases. Each variation aims to balance transparency, security, efficiency, and accessibility depending on the application. Many of the Decentralized Identity (the w3c standard DID method) identifiers use blockchains to distribute their look-up tables to ensure resiliency and to have greater trust when many eyes can observe changes to the look-up table (and updates to the look-up table are cryptographically controlled). Currently there are no research identifiers that use any DID method or blockchain to ensure provenance and resiliency of identifiers.
With assigned identifiers only the organization that created the identifier can be the authoritative source of the look-up table. Only the organization holds the authoritative information linking the content to the identifier. For derived identifiers the situation is different. Anyone can create a look-up table to point to the digital resource because anyone can verify the content by recalculating the identifier and comparing it to the expected value. In fact, digital resources can be copied and stored in multiple locations and there can be multiple look-up tables pointing to the same object copied in a number of locations. As long as the identifiers are the same as the calculated value they are all authoritative. This can be especially valuable as organizational funding rises and falls and organizations may lose the ability to maintain look-up tables and metadata directories.
Persistent identifiers (PIDs) play a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and accessibility of research outputs by providing stable, globally unique references to digital and physical objects. Unlike traditional web links, which can break over time, PIDs persist through governance and resolution mechanisms. There are two primary types of identifiers: those assigned by an authority (e.g., DOIs, ORCiDs, and RORs) and those derived from an object’s content (e.g., IUPAC chemical names and cryptographic hashes). Assigned identifiers depend on a central governance body to maintain their authenticity, whereas derived identifiers allow independent verification by recalculating the identifier. Regardless of their method of generation, both types of identifiers benefit from resolution services which can either be centralized or decentralized. As research infrastructure evolves, balancing governance, resilience, and accessibility in identifier systems remains a key concern for ensuring long-term reproducibility and trust in scientific data.
Written by Carly Huitema