Research Centre Data Access

ADC is collaborating with the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance to expand access to data generated at Ontario’s Agri-Food Research Centres.

New research data portals are continuously being developed and released to enhance data capture, storage, integration, access and security of research centre data.

Visit the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance website  to learn more about Ontario’s cross-province network of agri-food research centres, or select from one of the available data portals to learn more.

Available Data Portals 

Please note that you will need a login to access the Ontario Dairy Research Centre Data Portal.  

Ontario Dairy Research Centre Data Portal     email:

Ontario Beef Research Centre Data Portal      email:

Long Term Cropping Trial Data Portal      email: 


Coming Soon
  • Ontario Swine Research Centre Data Portal
  • Ontario Aquaculture Research Centre Data Portal


Research centres are owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario and managed by the University of Guelph through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

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