Agri-food Research Data Workshop Series

Agri-food Data Canada is offering a series of hybrid (in-person and online – TEAMS) of workshops covering topics around the research data life cycle.  We will be offering sessions on Research Data Management, how to access Research Centre Data, how to use R and R Shiny, Github, and more.  Workshop details and registration information can be found below.  We look forward to seeing you soon!


R logo

R Shiny

Curious about R Shiny and have R experience or have attended the Intro to R session? Join Lucas Alcantara on May 31 to learn how to get start with R Shiny

Participants MUST have R experience!

Date: May 31, 2023
Time:  9am – 11:30am
Location:  ANNU Rm 102
TEAMS link:  Click here to join the meeting



GitHub logo

Introduction to GitHub

This week’s workshop will introduce participants to GitHub. What is it and how do you get started? Participants will learn how to access and use GitHub from a webpage, desktop application, and by using the command line.

Date: June 14, 2023
Time:  9am – 11:30am
Location:  ANNU Rm 102
TEAMS link:  Click here to join the meeting

Linux logo

Introduction to Linux

This week’s workshop will introduce participants to Linux. Have you heard about Linux but just not sure what it is or whether it is something you need to know – join us on June 21 to learn more about it.

Date: June 21, 2023
Time:  9am – 11:30am
Location:  ANNU Rm 102
TEAMS link:  Click here to join the meeting

AllInOne logo

AllInOne Pre-Processing: A Comprehensive R-Shiny Package for Preprocessing Phenotypic Datasets

Join us this week to learn more about the AllInOne Pre-processing R-Shiny user interface package. The AllInOne Pre-processing streamlines the preprocessing of phenotypic data, enabling R users to swiftly and accurately ready their data for future analysis.

Date: June 28, 2023
Time:  9am – 11:30am
Location:  ANNU Rm 102
TEAMS link:  Click here to join the meeting

Sign Up Form

To sign up for the workshops - please complete the form below. If you are registering for a lab or a group, please indicate how many people are in your group.